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SKIN TAGS Removal in Dubai

Performing skin tag removal in Dubai, our dermatologists are some of the top experts in diagnosing and removing moles and removing skin tags. In most instances, a mole or skin tag is a benign growth that poses no medical threat or risk, but a mole or skin tag can still cause embarrassment or even discomfort in a patient. Skin tags are benign and do not pose any medical risk and are by no means a sign or precursor to any form of cancer. While most moles are benign, in some cases, a mole can be a sign of skin cancer, specifically melanoma. At Cosmocare Dermatology, our dermatologists value your health and addresses any of your personal needs with the utmost care and the most scientifically up-to-date treatments to restore your complexion and confidence.

skin tag removal in dubai

What are skin tags?
Skin tags are simply growths along the skin’s surface. These growths can be both benign and malignant, and usually present themselves as moles or bumpy discolorations. Generally, skin tags are painless and non-cancerous, and can be found anywhere along the skin’s surface. However, they have a tendency to form anywhere the skin creases or folds, such as:

Some smaller skin tags may fall off on their own or can be rubbed off by hand. However, for larger skin tags minor, semi-invasive procedures are required.
Some methods for skin tag removal are:

Depending on what type and the size of the skin tag that is on the skin’s surface, we will suggest a specific course of treatment. Treatment is not necessary, as skin tags are usually harmless, however for cosmetic reasons their removal is very popular.

How much does skin tag removal cost in Dubai?

Starting Offer : AED 249.00 (t&c)

Skin Tag Removal Treatment

We have treatment solutions for removing skin face Tag, body tag, neck tag, shoulder tag, arm tag, leg tag, foot tag and hand tags.

Dr Murtuza is skilled and experienced in these procedures and are available for consultation to discuss your requirements or concerns. For an initial consultation, please contact the clinic on 04 379 8747.